18: Values driven series - Will you sacrifice for authenticity?

We all aspire to be values driven, but we are also driven by other needs: survival needs such as the need for control, to be liked, or for security. Often the two conflict, and this results in a perception that you are not walking your talk. How can you rebalance this and thus become more credible? Buy the Walking the Talk book - https://amzn.to/3HPW5Cl Website: www.carolyntaylorculture.com Podcast: www.carolyntaylorculture.com/podcast Walking the Talk: www.walkingthetalk.com
We all aspire to be values driven, but we are also driven by other needs: survival needs such as the need for control, to be liked, or for security. Often the two conflict, and this results in a perception that you are not walking your talk. How can you rebalance this and thus become more credible? 

Buy the Walking the Talk book: https://amzn.to/3WunDBA
Buy Accountability@Work book: https://amzn.to/3ZmOSQB
Website: www.carolyntaylorculture.com
Podcast: www.carolyntaylorculture.com/podcast
Walking the Talk: www.walkingthetalk.com
18: Values driven series - Will you sacrifice for authenticity?
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